The Role of Access Control in Property Management
Managing access to your properties can be difficult, especially if you're unable to be present on the property at all times. And sometimes security guards are not a part of the business budget, but that doesn't mean that your property should be left unprotected. If you’ve been looking for a security system that’s versatile, easy to use, and adaptable for the properties you manage, keyless electronic locks provide some of the best security assurance for the price. Easy to install and use, keyless locks can be leveraged for a wide variety of applications, including maintaining perimeter security, monitoring entry and exits by users, and limiting access to approved personnel only. Keyless locks put access control in your hands—no matter where you are.
If you’re managing a property—whether it is an office building, parking garage, shopping center, warehouse, or residential unit—you’re responsible for the physical security of the facility and oftentimes, the users of the space as well. With a wide range of people coming and going from your property, it can be difficult to efficiently and safely manage access. Keyless entry allows for not only better and tighter control of the space, but also provides data about all entries and exits so you can keep tabs on your property. Used alone or in combination with a video surveillance system, the security of your property is greatly increased with a keyless lock system.
Controlling Building Access with Electronic Locks
Any keyless lock system you choose—whether it’s controlled by code or biometrics—allows you to maintain complete control over who enters your space. Additionally, these systems provide an audit of entry and exit from the building, allowing you to rebuild scenarios in case of a security breach. Practically speaking, keyless entry allows managers limit access to certain areas and users. This can be extremely useful when dealing with unique issues, such as providing one-time access to maintenance or cleaning crews who need access to certain areas within controlled time limits. Additionally, removing a user’s access privileges is a much easier task and can be accomplished quickly and efficiently without the hassle of collecting keys and without the worry of unreported duplicates being made.
Flexibility Offered by Digital Access Management Systems
With traditional key lock systems, limiting access for individual users in specific areas was nearly impossible without staff present. With keyless locks, managers can control access for both external and internal uses.
External access is fairly straightforward and allows or limits entry to a particular building.
Internal control on the other hand allows a much more nuanced level of security for users once they’re inside the building. Internal access privileges are easily granted and modified with keyless entry and greatly increase a businesses level of security.
Monitoring Use of Electronic Locks Creates a Useful Data Set for Managers
One of the greatest benefits of keyless lock systems is their built-in monitoring abilities. Having the ability to track movements of individuals by storing their entry and exit information can provide valuable information in the case of a security breach. While this type of information is no doubt enhanced with the addition of video surveillance, even without additional layers of security, the data provided by electronic keyless entry systems is extremely useful.
Keyless entry systems come in a variety of types, but the three most popular are:
Electronic deadbolts
Fingerprint locks
Keyless locks
Electronic Deadbolt Locks
Electronic deadbolt locks provide a huge jump in security benefit with very little modification to existing systems. These locks are extremely popular because of this low commitment, high reward paradigm. If you want to amp up your security without investing in an overhaul of your traditional key system, the electronic deadbolt might be the perfect solution.
Fingerprint Locks
Fingerprint locks might still seem like they belong in a James Bond movie, but they’re increasingly accessible and common. While passcodes can be shared between people, fingerprint locks ensure that only approved users are granted access to areas where they’re authorized to be. If you’re dealing with sensitive materials, fingerprint locks provide additional assurance and security.
Keyless Code Locks
Keyless code locks provide property owners and managers with the ability to limit and monitor access of all building users. The digital signature of keyless code locks makes it possible to manage building access remotely and has the added benefit of providing digital monitoring of users. Access information such as how many times a person uses their entry code and at what times of the day, give you maximum control and complete information about the activity on your property.
Whatever your situation, there is a keyless system suited for you. These relatively low cost systems greatly enhance building security, management flexibility, and reporting. The BrickHouse Security team has curated a collection of keyless systems to suit every scenario and budget, and is ready to guide you towards your best solution. Contact us with your questions and concerns, and we’ll be happy to help!